Hope is not enough

By roberto sayas January 03rd, 2016

Something that characterizes each new year eve, is the revival of the word “Esperanza” (Hope).

Every man I know, is always waiting for things to get better... they are waiting to change their life. But, how many can really do it? And more important, could I do it?

Consider the etymological meaning of the word “Esperanza” (Hope). According to http://etimologias.dechile.net/ , it derives a quality suffix -anza from the Latin, -antia derived from latin verb sperare from spes. But the Latin word spes is often linked to an Indo-European root - spe - meaning expansion, also presented in the Latin adjective prosperus (meaning happy, that expands), hence prosperous and thriving.

In another order of ideas, St. Isidore of Seville says in his book on etymologies, "the word hope is so called like that because is like the feet to walk. Its opposite is despair, because where the feet are missing there is no chance of walking. "

From this we may infer that hope mean, feet that we need to expand. In his absence, stagnation and death is our destiny.

But how many of us at the end of a year hopes to change our destiny, finally, getting exactly what we didn´t want to? Actually, how many of us could take control of its life and achieve what we wanted to? How many years we start taking steps to success to finally decline, stagnate and resign to “destiny”?

Albert Einstein said, "There are only two infinite things in the world we know, one is the universe and the other is human stupidity, I'm not sure about the first one."

Insanity can be defined as, "expect to get different results doing the same things."

Obviously, if we want to see different things in our life, we have to do different things.

I believe that, these new feet reborned each year, must travel the unknown or less busy road; away from the everyday, the confort zone. Is be willing to take that step, but with a plan, solid, simple and detailed; where one step at a time is given. At the end, the speed doesn´t matters, what matters is our destiny and who we may become when we reach it.

"...if we want to see different things in our life, we have to do different things."

It exists in the universe a law known as the principle of correspondence, which says, "As above, so below; as below, so above". This translates humbly as follows, if you would like to have better health, you should 1) Begin to do a simple exercise every day that don´t take you much time of your day. 2) Eat balanced, without excesses of alcohol, sugar or fat. And so on.

If you'd like to be a better person, more useful to society, you should: 1) read 10 pages of a good book ever day (don´t have time, start with one page); 2) Practice virtues, values and principles daily (be polite at least with one person a day) 3) Read or research about your profession once a day.

If you would like to have a better family relationship, you should 1) Begin by listening to your loved ones. 2) Encourage your tolerance 3) Promote the sharing with respect, discipline and love, among others.

These are simple examples; each person must define its own small actions plan to achieve what he wants to see in its life. As the correspondence principle reflects, the same also applies to what is inside of you, is outside; what is outside of you, is inside; because of the very expansion that man experienced in his day, or rather the hope that lodge in his heart in every step took to make his dreams come true.

We need to change inside to change outside.

Happy new year 2016. Be bless by the universal intelligence in this new year, be guide your steps towards your dreams.



Jenne leon

5 June 2016, Sunday

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, maecenas eget vestibulum justo imperdiet, wisi risus purus augue vulputate voluptate neque, curabitur.


Jenne leon

4 June 2016, Saturday

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, maecenas eget vestibulum justo imperdiet, wisi risus purus augue vulputate voluptate neque, curabitur.

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